After doing these wonderful training exercises my hands grew like 12cm in girth, my legs doubled in size and my pp is harder than last time. If you are reading this review you should buy this book and don't forget the vitamins.
Although I've switched to the free program because 80% of the results is worth it to me with the extra day saved, and like Greg i prefer to do cardio if I'm being honest. The hardest part is not going over 150 minutes of cardio a week.
But would recommend 100% if you want to be called "Shredded" "Ripped" and "Swole" by co-workers, and random people at the grocery store.Because having muscle counts even at single digit body fat. And I'm not a big guy, i have mild Cerebral Palsy that affects my left side and I'm only 5'6" and 127lbs, but thanks to this book i obviously have a good looking physique... thanks Greg!
Exited about the program. Good to see there isn't any fluff. Just straight up commen sense.
I bought 80,000,000 of these and we all love it

Great training book